Facebook on Neopets

A new feature is soon to hit the Neopets site for those over 13 years of age! That familiar Facebook “Like” button, that’s popping up everywhere on the web, will now be added to the Neopets’ Games Room as well as a few other games located throughout other areas of the Neopets site. So what does this mean and why should you care? It’s pretty simple! Soon you’ll see a little “thumbs up” symbol used to signal a link to Facebook. If you click this symbol, it will show up on your Facebook page as you “liking” the Neopets’ Games Room. There will also be a link to the Neopets’ Facebook page for those who would like to follow all the Neopets’ activities through your Facebook account. If you’d rather not see this button and link while you’re on Neopets, there will be an option in your preferences section to remove it.

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