Neopets Tips

Click here to go to How To Get Limited and Restricted Neopets

Click here to go to Neopets Scams and Scam Sites

Click here to go to Neopets New Site Change: Explained

Click here to go to Neopets Wearables

Click here to go to Guide To Your Neopets User-Lookup

“There’s a strange lever sticking out of the space station wall, with a sign that reads, ‘DO NOT PULL’. So you probably shouldn’t pull the lever. You can if you want. But you shouldn’t.”

The Lever of Doom in the Neopets space station really only takes 100 neopoints from you if you pull it, but you can also get the Lever of Doom avatar. So if 100 neopoints lost isn’t anything really to worry about, then good luck on getting the avatar (it may take a few pulls)!

Faerie Quest Cheat

When you get a faerie quest, you’re not allowed to go to the shop wizard, so getting the item seems like it’s going to be really hard. But just make a multiple account, buy the item while logged in as that account, then send it to your main account. Done!

Hint: An easy way to get lots of free items is to have lots of multiple accounts, and do things like fruit machine, advent calendar (when it’s winter!), faeire wheel, monthly freebies, whatever, then send them to your main account. Neopets can never tell!

Wheel of Excitement

It is VERY hard to get it on the EXACT second, so it usually won’t work, but if your lucky and spin the Wheel exactly on the hour you will get 10,000 NP!

The Hidden Tower!

Click here to go to the invisible hidden tower of the faerie queen. Note before you go, all items for sale there are over 300, 000 neopoints.

Job Agency Times (all in NST):

0:00:00 Past the Neopian Hour
0:10:00 Past the Neopian Hour
0:20:00 Past the Neopian Hour
0:30:00 Past the Neopian Hour
0:40:00 Past the Neopian Hour
0:50:00 Past the Neopian Hour

Pet Pet Recipes

Blooky = Angelpuss + Triffin
Combobot = Neotrak + Avabot
Drackobunny = Drackonack + Snowbunny
Foobug = Buzzer + Fungree
Froiler = Bloop + Baby Fireball
Huggy Bear = Huggy + Cool Purple Teddy Bear
Moink = Snorkle + Flishy
Noilkeet = Noil + Pawkeet
Slorgclops = Meowclops + Slorg
Spoppy = Spyder + Poppit
Ultra Pinceron = Wheelie + Pinceron
Ultra Mega Bot 2000 = Combobot + Ultra Pinceron

Unlockable Pictures For Neopets Boards

How to Unlock:

Acara Picture *acara*
Aisha Picture *aisha*
Angelpuss Face *angelpuss*
Bag of Neopoints *swagbag*
Blumaroo Picture *blumaroo*
Bruce Picture *bruce*
Buzz Picture *buzz*
Carrot *carrot*
Catfish *catfish*
Chia Picture *chia*
Christas Ornament *bauble*
Club %clubs;
Complaining face (animated) *complain*
Crying Face (Animated) *cry*
Cybunny Picture *cybunny*
Dung *dung*
Eyrie Picture *eyrie*
Flotsam Picture *flotsam*
Gelert Picture *gelert*
Ghost *ghost*
Grundo Picture *grundo*
Heart &heart;
Holly *holly*
Jetsam Picture *jetsam*
Jubjub Picture *jubjub*
Kacheek Picture *kacheek*
Kau Picture *kau*
Kiko Picture *kiko*
Kyrii Picture *kyrii*
Laughing Face (Animated) *lol*
Lupe Picture *lupe*
Meerca Picture *meerca*
Mistletoe *mistletoe*
Old winking face *yarr*
Poogle Picture *poogle*
Present *present*
Pumpkin *pumpkin*
Red Deer Nose *rednose*
Santa *santa*
Scorchio Picture *scorchio*
Shoyru Picture *shoyru*
Sloth Picture *sloth*
Snowflake *snowflake*
Snowman *snowman*
Spade &spade;
Star *star*
Techo Picture *techo*
Tree *xmastree*
Unsure Face (Animated) *unsure*
Usul Picture *usul*
Violinist (Animated) *violin*
Warf Face *warf*
Witch *witch*
Zafara Picture *zafara*

Free Concerts

Ever wanted to go to one of the concerts in Tyrannia but missed out on the tickets? Or were too poor to buy one? Well here you go! Below are the links to a concert from each of the bands, so you can see them for absolutely free!

2 Gallon Hatz

Blue Kacheek Group

Chomby and the Fungus Balls

Chomby and the Fungus Balls Christmas Concert



Jazzmoisis Christmas Concert




Sticks N’ Stones

Twisted Roses

Wock Til You Drop

Yes Boy Ice Cream

1,557 Responses to Neopets Tips

  1. Shocket says:

    iiiii, want more cheats please !!!

  2. Tanisha says:

    Join my guild, i give away paintbrushes to the person who donates the most in a two weeks time period! im looking for more members. i have two paintbrushes currently so sign up!

  3. Tina Triplet says:


  4. Tina Triplet says:

    I`LL EAT YOU “SnOwGaGeR”!!!!;P

  5. Tina Triplet says:

    I agree with you Majestic Wolf!

  6. i will eat u alllllllllll!

  7. majestciwolf10 says:

    i get about 50,000 neooints a day wanna know how?!!! this is not a cheat!!!! Play the games and earn the neopoints yourselves! play all the games. and you will gets lots of nps.forget complaining that “cheats” dont work. work for your neopoints the way neopets intended the HONEST way!

  8. lolo says:

    4 things.

    1: the pepole who say the cheats that don’t work probaly did it themselfs and had that outcur. they probolay thought that it was the same every time,

    2:quik way to earn 900np. go to fashion fever play it by pressing end game then send score do it three times and 900np is yours.

    3: a way to get the exact second go to the wheel 1 minute before the hour. as soon as your clock changes click the wheel. if it still does not work then check where you are times change around the globe soy it has to turn at the exat hour in california.

    4: if you own sims 2 or 3 two inform me because i know alot of cheats

    bonus! i am 408872 on neopets so neomail me if you want some food and i will gladly trade for paint brushes, tcg cards, and more!! if you want anything specific noemail that to because i can’t neomail back.

    ps: inform me on this site about sims becaus i can’t neomail back. also only ask questions in these comments and sighn them to lolo

  9. frozen concrete says:


  10. rbirdzach says:

    Sides are just for games and crap.

  11. Kiddo says:

    Guys, don’t play your dailies on your side accounts and send them to your main. It’s against the rules, TNT can tell, and you’ll get chain frozen for cheating 🙁

  12. Julia says:

    I especially liked the free concert thing. I laughed at how dumb the whole concert thing really is. but what us avvie hunters will do for an avatar. Thanks for the help and the humour!

  13. cheyanne says:

    no comment

  14. Ni says:

    Hey, if your username is Peanut, put up a bottle of red sand into your shop.Put it up with its prise below 5,000.I will come to get it!

  15. evil help says:

    I got a really cool cheat!if you send a a super-rare item to eytgrygye you get double the items!.her father owns something in neopets so wait like,15 hrs for her to respond.then shell send you 2!! i got 2 draik mp’s this way.when i tried again it didnt work.i think it works once per user

  16. Goldentiger says:

    Does anyone have a green or darigan male draik that I would be able to transfer with? (I cannot neomail anymore). Through this site I can give you reasons why I am the best owner of such a neopet. I am looking for one with an okay name. Not through neopets because I cannot neomail until another 2 months.

  17. Casey says:

    If anyone needs Neopoints….then go Earn yourself!!!!! No begging.

    Good morning, madam.
    It’s great to see you again. What can I do for you today?

    Account Type: Diamond Deposit Gold
    Current Balance: 948,853 NP
    Interest Rate: 10.0% per year
    Yearly Interest: 94,885 NP

  18. Casey says:

    Good evening, madam.
    It’s great to see you again. What can I do for you today?

    Account Type: Diamond Deposit Gold
    Current Balance: 908,453 NP
    Interest Rate: 10.0% per year
    Yearly Interest: 90,845 NP

    Whoooo hoo! I am gonna be a Millionare soon!

  19. Maggie says:

    do trading post, and say that you are sending it to your main account!

  20. c says:

    how to yu send stuff to your main account? x

  21. Maggie says:

    If you want to say something like that, rbirdzach, than say it to someone else or to a hobo or something!

  22. rbirdzach says:

    Hobos smell like tangerines and butt
    You smell like tangerines and butt ♪※™

  23. rbirdzach says:

    Hobos smell like tangerines and butt
    You smell like tangerines and butt ♪※™

  24. Anonymous says:

    Hey guys. Anybody wanna neofriend me? My account name is lordoflaws.

  25. Neopets Tips says:

    I just love this site about neopets tips . I own a site too on neopets tricks and tips called Neopets tips

  26. Emma says:

    hey everyone!!! this is princessemma5 (my account on neopets) i have a starry aisha, electric bruce, orange chia, & a green kiko!
    im getting tired of it & want to sell my pets. i’m selling them for cheap & its no scam, i’ll even give you the pet b4 i get the points. so if anyones interested just me me know k 🙂 THNX.

  27. can anyone gift me something in neopet? my account name is stevenlin15235. ty

  28. hotcocoforever!!! says:

    i have been on neopets for a long time and made alot of accounts to make mor neopoint but it didn’t work out so much. But these tips ROCK!!!!

  29. MyNameShouldBeHere says:

    Hi, i really need some neofriends, my username is mybandchamzrules, feel free to neomail me.

  30. Tiffany says:

    Hi,Do you need something on neopets?Well it’s your lucy day!All you have to do is neomail tiffanyluz2.I am not a scammer.Neomail your username to me along with the item you want.I will ask you to pay a small fine,it will not be 10,000 or up.Wait a few weeks because I get a lot of mail!Cheak your acount every week.I will not go on your acount.I will give you the item you want as a gift.Thank You!-Tiffany

  31. Tiffany says:

    My new acount is tiffanyluz2.Please be my neofriend!

  32. Abigale says:

    This is a really good site i luv it and i’m a thicko

  33. Tiffany says:

    Click here to go to this game where you watch tv then get np!
    Afterwards think about shopping at my shop.My username is tiffanyluz

  34. Tiffany says:

    Look at this funny dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If the link doesn’t work then just copy the link then paste it in you search bar!

  35. kyrsten says:

    haveyou ever herd of maxxor12345 if he is a scammer he scammed my friend on her np and she is balling her eyes out

  36. Tiffany says:

    Hey,Labor Day is comming up.Just like most professionels we will be having a sale please DO NOT E-MAIL ME AT ALL.My e-mail acount is going through some problems.My tech/geek friends and I will try to fix it
    as soon as posible.Untill then please don’t e-mail me.Leave a note adressed to me on this website I will respond.Any-who the Labor-day sale will begin Friday the 4th tomorrow afternoon.300 np off all items.This is the link to my shop:
    P.S.Chloe Spencer,you rock!!!!!!!!

  37. Tiffany says:

    Tip:A good way to earn neopoints is by playing Adver Video.It’s not even a real game but its located in the games room under sponser ads.All you do is watch a video then spin a wheel.You can can play up to 5 times a day.If your lucky you can earn up to 4,000 np!!!!!!!!-Tiffany

  38. Tiffany says:

    Great news!!!!!!Theres some new stuff wandering around my shop(lol)! It’s a Half Coconut Shell.Besides that we have a new feature at my shop.It’s called user of the month.Buy something then your part of the raffle.the raffle is held on the first day of each month.This months user of the month is Roxyhunter214.She will get a discount for 3 items 3000 np and under for only 1 np!-Thx-Tiffany

  39. Tiffany says:

    Codestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just put that codestone in my shop!there are 2 codestones that you can buy.If you need supplies you know where to go!If you cant find what you need then e-mail me I’ll get the e-mail and the item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!No passwords usernames or any other imformation needed.I am not a Scammer.-thx-tiffany!
    P.S.My e-mail is…………………….

  40. Tiffany says:

    This Website is great!Ever since I started posting things about my shop 2 new people have been purchasing items from my shop(thats good because only my friend Sydney-username Roxyhunter214-has been purchasing things from my shop and I’ve been on for 6 months!)!!!!!!
    Anyway I have just recieved 2 new items( Usulbat Plushie Whole Chokato Jelly.)for my shop on neopets.
    Attention!!!!!!!!!Tomorrow I am getting a codestone for my shop for only 3,000np!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Thx
    P.S.Use this link to get to neopets.

  41. kyrsten says:

    wow that is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. kyrsten says:

    i just found this site i should of found it earlyer lol:) my username is raza003 any body have a myspace becuse i do and i need friends my username is kyrsten…..

  43. Ashley says:

    Hey all, I have a level 8 Faerie Poogle I am looking to sell. My neopets ID is ashleymarie1989, neomail me if you are interested ad I can tell you more!

  44. Rbirdzach says:

    You could go to the snowager but all he gives to me is crap

  45. CLeo says:


  46. law1313131313131313131313 says:

    please i really need it i just had my main account hacked and they changed the password and the email.

  47. law1313131313131313131313 says:

    Wow turmac works no way this is so cool!!!

  48. 1996 says:

    Hope it works 🙂

  49. trickster24 says:

    this stuff is cool but do you no any other websites onto tips and cheats for neopets on getting free stuff and lots of money?

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