Neopet Quizzes

Take these neopet quizzes and find out how much you know about neopets! 

If I were a Neopet… I’d be a Lenny! The Lenny is a highly intelligent and curious bird. In time it can learn to master many forms of magic and use their cunning to outwit any opponents. 
 Which Neopet are you?
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33 Responses to Neopet Quizzes

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  2. angel says:

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  3. angel says:

    where do you get free food

  4. goopgirl says:

    OH my word1 My name on Neopets is goopgirl! You realy are giving it away! -Falls over- So it would be OK if I asked for a

    1 Darigen paintbrush
    1 Fairie paintbrush
    1Island paintbrush

    If so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been looking everywhere and everything is just soooooo expensive. If this works I can make my Aisha a Darigen!!!

  5. destiny__80 says:

    hi! my name on neopets is destiny__80. I want:
    -1 tyrannian paintbrush
    -1 island paintbrush

  6. RETAERD says:


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  8. pop_rox_ursox100 says:

    I’m soooo peed off wid dat thing about the ‘WHEEL OF EXCITMENT!” poo that says if you go right on the hour you get 10000 np, lpus I won 10000 np at the scratch card kiosk, * hahahaha*. PLus that WHEEL OF FOTUNE THING NEVA WORKS!!!!!! >:(

  9. asdfa says:

    it works:

    where it says did you know, click the -> arrow a few times. then you will discover 1000 neopoints.

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