Neopets Shop Customization

Cool stuff for customizing your Neopets shop, Neopet guild, website, etc.

744 Responses to Neopets Shop Customization

  1. SarahBearah says:

    The account doesn’t even exist anymore…as it, it was deleted or deactivated or something.



  2. Mdmarvel says:

    Our only chance is Weltrude’s toy chest!

  3. Nadine says:

    You “ned” what?


  4. Mdmarvel says:

    What’s your new accounts?

  5. Lady says:

    Hmm. Your old account no longer exists o.O

  6. Spazzzz says:

    If the person gives up the account and provides you with the info, I think it becomes yours pretty much.


  7. Mdmarvel says:

    I heard in one of my most favorite games that if you logged in an account that is not yours it is still hacking

  8. Dipsy says:


    I really didn’t think you wanted to get rid of your account! I’ll take it if you’re so eager to get rid of it. If you want it back, just let me know.


  9. Mdmarvel says:

    I’m not interested in having an account that is not mine.I want to make my own.

  10. Mdmarvel says:

    Ok I mean devilish cake.I wasted my NP for devilish cake for the stupid brain tree quest.

  11. Yuppie says:

    Dude, MdMarvel. I hate to say it, but you are getting pretty annoying. Could you cut down on the spam?


  12. blake says:

    Looks like it

  13. Mdmarvel says:


  14. Pumpkin says:

    I don’t think anyone actually cares one way or the other…Both the real you and the not-real you (if this is the case) are kind of annoying.


  15. Oopsies! says:

    I forgot to post my name at the bottom of the page. I am in a rush, I have to go soon.


  16. Sick Of This says:

    Well, we have no proof of the fake/real you, like we did with Sarah, Ocean, NutMeg, and myself, so as far as we know, that is the same person each time, who is Lily/Jefferson

  17. Pumpkin says:

    Stop spamming! Jesus Christ on a crouton.

  18. Mdmarvel says:

    Chocolate Milk

  19. Mdmarvel says:

    Or maybe Jefferson.The most infamous imposter last time.

  20. Ocean Breeze says:

    Sorry, a spelling error was made 🙂 I am rushing it because i have to go shopping with my friends.

  21. Ocean Breeze says:

    I know that is not Chloe. Chloe does not write like that, she uses PROPER punctuation. Just because you can;t pretend to be either Listen, SarahBearah or Nutmeg, you feel like pretending to be Chloe! That is an all time low, and is seriously pathetic!

  22. Whooopsadaisy! says:

    Yes, because it would make SO much sense to delete a website that she payed good money for instead of simply disabling to comment function.


  23. Confusled says:

    I’m lost. EXPLAIN, PLEASE!!!


  24. Mdmarvel says:


    Coconut Shy


    Test your Strength

    Cork Gun Gallery

    If you played these games and lost.That’s I waste of NP and time
    Note:Time is Gold!

  25. Mdmarvel says:

    FOUND IT!!!

  26. Mdmarvel says:

    I forgot.How can I get a jetsam?

  27. Mdmarvel says:

    A spam
    I love doughnuts.

  28. Sweetpea says:

    Oh grow up and stop swearing. You’re just making things worse. I don’t really care who’s who when it comes to these comments. If you’re actually making them, STOP. If some imposteur is making trouble using your name, explain. It’s that simple.

  29. Mdmarvel says:


    I am SH*T and I didn’t sent comment #472 and if you notice my url in SH*T is noneofyourbusiness! but in that comment it is so he is fake so how do you like them apples imposter!!

  30. Sweetpea says:

    My words are the worlds words.


  31. LeftSock says:

    “Logic FTW”, my new favourite saying.

  32. LapOfLuxury says:

    Mean nasty comments are made by mean nasty people. Logically, nice people don’t make mean comments…thus, any nasty comment is being made by someone who is NOT a nice person, thus an impostor. Logic FTW!


  33. Ocean Breeze says:

    Ok, that is not me. I hope people know that.

  34. Ocean Breeze says:

    I dont want ur STUPID frienship u freak 🙁

  35. Ocean Breeze says:

    Thankyou so much Listen! It is really appreciated 🙂

  36. Spring says:

    I think we all have. I had to go to EVERY board I posted on as Listen! to post that I would not use that name anymore.

    Ocean Breeze, I will send you a neofriend request.

    Katy_Hyphen_Lynn (for anyone who wants to be my neofriend)

  37. Ocean Breeze says:

    Ok, I have just found out that I have been “slagged” on some other boards. I will not resort to changing my name just yet, but if it gets a bit too much then i will maybe take some actions. Listen, that is a great way for people to know (by neomailing you) if it is you or not. Anyway, my username is spirit0452 feel free to add me but no harsh or harassful neomails please.
    Ocean Breeze

  38. Listen! says:

    Wow. At least there are smart people who know the real me from the fake me.

    AGAIN, I don’t curse. I spell correctly most of the time. And the words I misspell aren’t the easy words like “the”. WHAT is “Thicko”? I use correct grammar and punctuation. And before this gets even MORE out of hand, I will not post again as Listen!

    I hate these people on here.

  39. Tiny says:

    They ARE all one person. We’ve had terrible issues with a single person, running about cursing and being generally idiotic. This entity is known as “Jefferson”…we do our best to ignore it.

    I understand that having people change their names a lot is confusing, but it’s rather annoying to have our names borrowed. I will occasionally switch back to my old one, and low and behold, it’s stolen away again! Everyone on here should have enough sense to know that I (sarahbearah) do not curse, and if someone has made some odd post under my name, you are welcome to send me an email at or a neomail at lepetitebear and find out if it’s me or just some impostor. I assure you, if it sounds like a total moron, it’s not me.

    I’m not sure what you mean about fonts, deedee…are you talking about different types of lettering that you add in a source code using tags?

  40. DeeDee says:

    Hello? Anyways, can someone help me? I stumbled on some fonts on this site. The ones where you can type text in them. Well, now I cant find them! I dont really need the welcome signs, but I need a font. HELP PLZ!!!

  41. Ocean Breeze says:

    Hi again…Is that you NutMeg? Or is it Listen??? Or is it SarahBearah!?!?!? This is a little bit confusing. :O lol

  42. Tiny says:

    Everyone knows I don’t curse, so it’s really very futile to continue trying to fake my attitude.

  43. Louisa says:

    Hey! shut the hell up FAKE listen 🙁
    We all know you are a fake, so f*** up and leave us all alone 🙁
    oh, and sh*t, calm down…please? There are little kids on this site, so it is prob best ta keep cool…k? thnx 😉

  44. SarahBearah says:

    If you’re the real listen, you won’t have any problem emailing me and explaining yourself…which the real Katy would have enough sense to do.

  45. Listen! says:

    sorry for the misspelling. I was rushing it because i have to go in a minute.

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