That is so kwl but i think it could be better. and you know how you use the shop wiz and the shop you click on most of the time has like a add thing in it? Well i cant find how to get one! 🙁 But yo could neomail me with it if your nice and know (it) XsheeyoreX
Heres how u make this into a background:
pretend im using the first one. copy the code beneath it remove the so if you would put it into your shop, the code would look like this:
body { background: url(“body background=””);background-attachment: fixed}
if you need any help just ask google or go to the neopets HTML guide
neopets HTML guide site:
I hope i get my friend her dreamie… a usuki pb lol i’m a long way off!
That is so kwl but i think it could be better. and you know how you use the shop wiz and the shop you click on most of the time has like a add thing in it? Well i cant find how to get one! 🙁 But yo could neomail me with it if your nice and know (it) XsheeyoreX
hi fiaza lol!!!!!!!!!! <: play bingo on facebook
hi please visit my shop my name is ashie
Anyone know a plain purple background for Neopets ( kind of one like if you search Neon161 )
I could really use one.
Thanks to anyone who can really help!
-Leon ( You can Neomail me at my account, ‘Leonsie’ )
Heres how u make this into a background:
pretend im using the first one. copy the code beneath it remove the so if you would put it into your shop, the code would look like this:
body { background: url(“body background=””);background-attachment: fixed}
if you need any help just ask google or go to the neopets HTML guide
neopets HTML guide site:
You don’t.
Also again the username is Denaroxxy
Hey people please check out my neopet and please buy from my shop my pets are suffering blurred vision and i need the money. thanks :P!
How the heck do you put these in your shop if your under 13???? (im 21)
Um does anyone know how to put these in your shop?
hey people visit my shop! (and my gallery) i have retired and awsome items! my username is hmmfomtgal
hi there are so cool, and i tried coppying and pasting into my discription and it diddnt work! please help me.
where we can find the word shop,i’m looking in my but i don’tfind, thank you
These are pretty cool but can’t u get backgrounds for your page. Can u tell me how?
Look me up! (lime668)