Hey everyone!
I was just going through my old accounts trying to find things to use in giveaways for my fans, and I found my very first Neopets account that I made back in the day, and the account has a red Cybunny. It’s a female, named ‘cotten_candy808’, 3,664 days old. And she’s going to be a prize FOR FREE to one lucky person, which could be anybody participating in this giveaway. To participate in this giveaway, all you have to do is:
1. ) Paste this into your “Shop Description” box (Click on “Create/Edit Your Shop” and then scroll down to “Shop Description”):
“I’m a member at www.neopetsfanatic.com, The Ultimate Neopets Cheats Site! It’s full of Neopets freebies and dailies, secret avatars, game cheats, free neopoints tips, shop layouts and graphics, and tons of other Neopians like me chatting and sharing usernames and cheats! I LOVE it, it’s the best Neopets cheats site ever! Come check it out, and find me on there!”
2. ) “Like” NeopetsFanatic.com on Facebook (by clicking the Facebook “Like” button on the right sidebar of this page).
3. ) Post your Neopets username in a comment below (I need your username to send you the Cybunny if you win!) I will also be checking your shop to make sure you put up the required text. If you want to customize the text a little, you can, as long as you keep the site name and details the same.
After doing these 3 easy steps, you’ll be in the draw to win my Cybunny! Make sure you have 1 pet space available (you cannot have over 4 pets, so make sure you have 3 pets maximum). The winner will be chosen at random–it could very well be you!
Your future pet! A red Cybunny!
i would love it if i could get it ive been trying to get a cybunny for about 8 years
My username’s violinrules101
Fingers crossed!
violinrulse101 is my username! ^^
*crosses fingers* Hope i get it, just LOVE bunnies of all kinds.
the_angelexperiment (this is a realy good websight)
Neopets username: Frostera
Good luck everyone!!!:)
username: stupendasauraus
Pingback: Winner of Free Cybunny Picked in 1 Week! | The Ultimate Neopets Cheats Site
I’m Blenazy on neopets 😉
Can I have?
Neopets username: froggielog
Good luck to us all 🙂
btw when will you draw?
neopets username: Scarlettmarye
I just made my new account so I have to wait 24 hours to post the content into my shop. I hope that’s okay!
i used to have a cybunny years ago. i love rabbits and i have been looking for one for a while now. hope i win 🙂
Neopets username: sprinkle_cake
🙂 Hope I get it!!!!