WARNING: Sazza is a Scammer

Hi everyone, this is just to alert all of you that this “sazza” person who is going around leaving comments all over my website, is a scammer. The scams look like this:

“hey if u want 10 million free nps and items just email me your user name and pw and date of birth to: welshlass2007@yahoo.co.uk

Also i am giving draiks eggs, one of every paintbrush and morphing potions and loadsa other rare items aswell!!!! I also have evidence that this is not a scam, just email me and i will email you back the evidence!!!!

for today only i am giving 2 royal paintbrushes!!!!”

THIS IS A SCAM!!! Anyone who even MENTIONS needing your password is a scammer. Infact, anyone at all saying “do this to get free neopoints” or whatever, is lying. There are no people here that will give away their stuff for free. Except for me, of course, because I run this website, so obviously I’m not a scammer. Plus I would NEVER, EVER ask anyone for their password. So for those who got scammed out there, I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Because you will never get free neopoints from a random person.

And don’t click on anything that says to send your password to welshlass2007@yahoo.com.uk or any email with “welshlass” in it because it is sazza. And recently she’s been pretending to be me, and saying her scam worked. The nerve!

And don’t be fooled by all those different people saying “wow, thanks! it worked!” because that is just the same scammer, pretending to be people who did their scam. Because obviously no real person would say it worked, because it’s a scam! And I have proof because the email of each person saying it worked, is the same exact one as the scammer! Ha, caught red-handed!

So I hope I have finally knocked some sense into those neopoint-desperate neopians who were willing to give out their password for imaginary money, and right into the hands of a messed-up, evil scammer.

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87 Responses to WARNING: Sazza is a Scammer

  1. Wolf says:

    I think Chloe shoul make some rules for this site.

  2. tommy chuck says:

    hey very true i have seen alot of people doin this it is very sad so if you r doin it just stop let people have there acounts you have hurt them badly

    : -( 🙁 🙁 🙁

  3. Stay Safe. says:

    You Dumb, DUMB People, This Is A Scam:
    hey pps guesswhat? my friend was soooooooooo stupid, she busted her computer onNeopets.com cause she was playing kiss the mortog and she had amazingly gotten to level 9 and had 10000 nps but when she wanted to send her score she accidentally klicked on � go to next round� and had to do it and LOST all 10000 nps! so she got sooooooo mad she took a statue thingummywhatsis and put it through the computer screen! her stepdad got mad as “h*ll� and said she couldn’t go on Neopets or any other site for the REST OF HER LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so guess what! I didn’t have very many nps , like, just 2,381 and she gave me her password! She is my Neofriend and I know that she has at LEAST 9,278,89 nps and I can’t think of what to do with them all! But, *sob* since my family is moving to Arizona, We can’t take our stinking old rotten computer so I have to give up Neopets!
    Since if you make an account and don’t visit it for at least 6 months, it will shut down, I dont want all the awesome things my friend gave me to go to waste. So guess what this means? GIVEAWAY!!!!!!
    Here is a couple thins on my list of giveaway items

    9 different Gourmet Foods


    45 Invisible Neggs

    38 Sneggs

    25 Cackling Neggs

    7 Silver Knight Neggs

    2 Spiked Neggs

    78 Cool Neggs

    46 Super Neggs

    4 Rainbow Paintbrushes

    7 Starry Paintbrushes

    3 Island Paintbrushes

    7 Darigan Paintbrushes

    3 Juppieswirl Paintbrushes

    5 Camouflage Paintbrushes

    3 Sponge Paintbrushes

    76 Faerie Paintbrushes

    4Mutant Paintbrushes

    5 Spekled Paintbrushes

    6 Strawberry Paintbrushes

    8 Tyrannian Paintbrushes

    4 Robot Paintbrushes

    7 Desert Paintbrushes

    345 Maraquan Paintbrushes


    I am also giving away most of the petpet brushes, but only one or two of each!


    Many items that I have just not listed here are also being given away, so just email any inquiries to me at mynameislilaandirox@gmail.com
    and I will reply as soon as possible!


    9, 278,334 of the nps will be given away!(i want to keep 56 of them, its my fave number! tee-hee)

    Directions to apply to the grandiose giveaway:
    Send an email to me at mynameislilaandirox@gmail.com (my name is lila and i rox)(no neomails, please! I hate those freaking things)

    Send your username, your password, and one of your fave neopets
    paintbrushes, or how many things you want of which stuff, and I will give away a limited amount!
    But, I will have to do this stuff in about 5 days, so don’t expect nps and items straight away.
    Remember, don’t be too greedy and ask for too much of all these things, I have to save room for everybody! For a limited time only. Remember that I have to move to Arizona in 3 months!
    (hint Click on my name and it will lead you to the login page as a shortcut!)

    Bye all you wonderful lucky-duck neopians who don’t have to move somewhere where there is no computer!
    Luv ya,
    Lila Meridian
    This one too

    I am Mr James Connor the owner of James Connor Loan Firm.We offer loan at low rate of intereste like 5% and 5 years duration.i give at loan to people who are in need of loan.if you are interested in getinga loan from me i will simply want you to contact Mr James Connor at via email: Jamesconnor500@yahoo.com so that she can give you more details on how the loan will be transferred to your account.

    If you fall for it, Your very, VERY Dumbwitted and greedy.. Actually, I HOPE You fall for it all you beggers, greedy peeps, and just plain dumb people..

    Amber x

  4. Ale says:

    If anyone wants to be neofriends I’m up for neofriend requests.

  5. clarissa says:

    ok, I confess, I am Sazza and, well the give away is true, not a scam! And yes, the give away is still open….

  6. Tweesha says:

    Ummm…. Is the give away still open?

  7. Jordan says:


  8. Jordan says:


  9. Jordan says:

    what is “sazza’s” real screen name on neopets?

  10. clarissa says:

    trust me on this one lila is a scamer, dont fall for it
    like o_0 said duh!!!

  11. o_0 says:

    The giveaways are scams. Duh!!!

  12. Alex says:

    hey can i have some of those givaways? i dont care how much, i dont want to seem like a beggar. my username is country_chick_2006

  13. james connor says:


    I am Mr James Connor the owner of James Connor Loan Firm.We offer loan at low rate of intereste like 5% and 5 years duration.i give at loan to people who are in need of loan.if you are interested in getinga loan from me i will simply want you to contact Mr James Connor at via email: Jamesconnor500@yahoo.com so that she can give you more details on how the loan will be transferred to your account.


  14. james connor says:


    I am Mr James Connor the owner of James Connor Loan Firm.We offer loan at low rate of intereste like 5% and 5 years duration.i give at loan to people who are in need of loan.if you are interested in getinga loan from me i will simply want you to contact Mr James Connor at via email: Jamesconnor500@yahoo.com so that she can give you more details on how the loan will be transferred to your account.


  15. mash_boy87 says:

    and sry much stuff

  16. mash_boy87 says:

    o ya i need neo friends username is mash_boy87

  17. hayley says:

    cutechickie? (sorry if thats spelled wrong) but how do u do the “referral program”???

  18. Wolf says:

    If you gave you password to someone, go to boards then User Preferences and change your password.

  19. Wolf says:

    Just change your password at NeoBoards and the scammer won’t be able to log in

  20. ANGEL~BABy says:

    oooh man ..tht must b scarey..!!
    but luckily it hasnt happened to me

  21. Chloe Le Roux says:

    OOOPPS!! I fell for it! I gave her my username and password!!

    What is going to happen to my account!!!????


    pls can u be my friend!!??

    from cchhllooee

  22. VV says:

    a little help with the lutari beads…please!!! and i also want some friends, my name is vv_babygurl….;)

  23. Jonathan says:

    Man! when i saw that warning thing…pheeeewww THANKS ALOT…i was gonna fall for the same trick! who ever said that warning thanks alot man!

  24. nixie says:


  25. marie says:

    wierdo! my acount “fruchinni”got scammed. I don’t know who did it, butI can’t believe I fell for it! they claimed to be able to give me anyone’s password that I asked for. e-mail me to help!

  26. candace. says:


    how can i get regular music in my neopet shop?

    i did it a long time ago..
    and now i cant find it.

    can you help me?

    thank you.

  27. Madi says:

    whats “The Regulars

  28. Madi says:

    and confused

  29. Madi says:

    can some one help me i am sooooooooo desprit

  30. Perry T. says:

    I meant to say how do you get Your neopet abilities up

  31. Perry T. says:

    Chole how do you get you abilities lv. up

  32. sara says:

    does any one now the answer to the brain tree

  33. Perry T says:

    Hey Chole its Perry (again) i have a realy good idea…. its for scammers…. you add a pin # to your account bank, stock safety deposite and ect……and if you put all your items in a safety deposite and do it to scammers they cant steal any thing if

  34. sammi says:

    hey, can you get me a pb?

  35. Zoey says:

    lalala bored!!! OMG u guys the referral thingy really works well…except my friends already have like tons of neopets… anyways yeah soooooooo byeeeeeeeee!

  36. cutechicki says:


  37. cutechicki says:


  38. cutechicki says:


  39. cutechicki says:

    Guyz, just do all the regulars each day and you’ll slowly become rich. Start the referral program and well, you’ll be a millionaire in lyk a day. 🙂 😉

  40. cutechicki says:

    I got a Lutari. I’m happy. I got 180,000 neopoints plus my sectret laboritary map pieces plus my codestones plus my bottled faeries stolen. I’m not happy

  41. cutechicki says:

    OMG! This has nothing to do with neopets but Orlando Bloom as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings is sooooooooo HOT!!! OMG! OMG! Ilove Orlando Bloom! Someone hacked into my neopets account. 🙁

  42. sara says:

    ok well my nep pet will get sick o and i need friends

  43. Lexi says:

    Not saying you’re a kid…

  44. Lexi says:

    Ally- Nope, neopets will never email you. People emailing you are scammers. If they claim that they have lost your password in the database, and they need it from you if you want to log in again, it is a SCAM! Neopets will never ask you for your password or email you. Anyone else is a scammer! By the way, if you know their username (the people that are emailing you), you can report them! Scamming is a freezable offense. Remember kids: Never post your email on neopets!

  45. Ally says:

    to sara… Neopets wont die… And hey, i wana ask you guys, if it is the TNT rite, will their emails end wit @theneopetsteam.com? Example… theneopetsteam@theneopetsteam.com… Pls reply fast!!! I need answers!!!

    And will they send it to ur neopets account or to ur email address account?

  46. sara says:

    can some body plz help me my name is hero_w37 as a neo pet my pet is dying and i realy need some help any thing plz my neo pet does not like the jelly and i cant get on the omlette page when i click plz help i dont want my neo pet to dye. 🙁

  47. Mariah says:

    can n e 1 help me???????? I really need medicinal soap!!!!!!!!!

    My name again is mariahrobbins!!!

  48. Ally says:

    i knew sazza was a scammer, but i wasn’t sure… So, i decided to give her my old account which was empty and so couldn’t have anything if she is a scammer…

  49. Mariah says:

    I need some help!!! Can anyone please help me? i need some $ for my pet cause she has neomonia :(.

    IF U CAN LOAN ME SOME NP, THEN MY NAME IS mariahrobbins!
    Just ask me to be ur neofriend!!

  50. Jayden O'Neill says:

    I have seen alot of people saying that but I don’t fall for it. All they are doing is going into your account and looking at all your items and your neopoints and sending to their account!

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