This blog could be run by you!

Would you consider yourself a “neo-expert”?

Want to work for Become the main blogger, publishing posts on this homepage just a couple times a week, and get paid!

Do you love Do you log on almost every day, and do everything you can to earn neopoints, like using the stock market, etc? Are you a “neo-millionaire”, or have at least a couple hundred thousand neopoints? Do you know almost everything there is to know about Neopets and it’s new re-do?

Then you definitely qualify!

Email Chloe at, with a paragraph or two on how you would be the perfect blogger for NeopetsFanatic.

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53 Responses to This blog could be run by you!

  1. Deirdree says:

    hey um my neopets name is shimase

    so could u plz buy stuff from ym shop? my USERNAME is shimase… remember that… not my pet. plz buy from me!!!

    around october 15 i will have ALL NINE petpet lab pices ( i dont need them) on sale!!!

  2. THE ONE says:

    will sombody who has a baby paint brush be my neo friend and give it to me tell me if you have one thanks!

  3. can someone give me a darigan or baby pb please

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