Below is a complete list of Neopets avatars including:
- Neopets Item Avatars
- Neopets Battledome Avatars
- Neopets Pet Avatars
- Petpet Avatars
- Neopets Game Avatars
- Neopets Retired Avatars
Nyah! Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Baby Kougra.
The Kougra needs to be less than 50 days old, otherwise you can’t get it. This means any Kougra I list here will stop working and I WILL need a new name
Ugg Ugg Avatar
Visit the Lookup of an Tyrannian Jubjub
Still Angry Avatar
Visit the Janitor in Altador
Icy Avatar
Visit the Lookup of an Ice Hissi
King Avatar
Visit the Hall of Heroes, King Altador’s Statue
Mutant Quiggle Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Mutant Quiggle
Island Krawk Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Island Krawk with an Island Petpet attached
Colorful Chomby Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Rainbow Chomby
Nightsteed Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Halloween Uni between 8pm nst and 6am nst
Beware Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Halloween Mynci
Ouch Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a ill (has a sickness) Mutant Tonu Other possibly sick ones, here & here & here (all these are ill at the time of adding to Nutty)
Mutant Lenny Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Mutant Lenny. It appears at the bottom of the page
Anubis Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Desert Pet, with an unpainted Anubis attached another here
To War! Avatar
Visit The Lookup of an Elephante that has battled
Attack Mode
Visit The Buzz Caption Contest Page, in your browser select View, go to source, press ctrl f in the text file that opens, in the search box type buzz1, an area looking similar to this – /games/caption/caption_archive.phtml?buzz1=10653512476 (the numbers are different for everyone) will appear, you must insert before the slash, then the complete link can be entered into the browser address bar, viewing that link will get you the avatar
Disco Aisha Avatar
Visit The Lookup of a Disco Aisha
Snuffly Avatar
Visit the Lookup of an aged Snuffly
Wanna Be Friends Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Mutant Bruce
Usul – Royal Boy Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Male Royal Usul
Cyodrake Avatar
Visit a lookup of a Cyodrake
Darkest Avatar
View the Darkest Faerie Card here between 10pm NST and 5am NST
Faerie Pteri Avatar
Visit a Faerie Pteri’s lookup
Royalty Avatars
You can only get ONE of these avatars. If you want the female korbat, change your gender to male and visit Arrenius If you want the male korbat, change your gender to female and visit
LittleAriadne Gender can be changed Understand clearly you MUST choose gender BEFORE visiting a pet lookup
Bah! Avatar
Visit a Baby Jetsam’s Lookup
Grumpy Avatar
Visit a SICK (0 hp) Plushie Bori at the time of writing this works
Darkhand Avatar
View the Neodeck card – Galem Darkhand via the side searchbar
Avast Avatar
Visit a Pirate Poogle’s lookup
Spardel Avatar
Visit here you need to go to the very bottom of the page to see the avatar, or any Spardel’s lookup
Villain Avatar
Visit a Halloween Meerca’s lookup
Scarabug Avatar
Visit here you need to go to the very bottom of the page, or any Scarabug’s lookup
Pounce Avatar
Visit a Camouflage Pet’s lookup
Peo Avatar
Visit a Purple Peophin’s lookup
Rock On Avatar
1. just go to
2. right click on the page and then select view source
3. hit ctrl+f and type in avatar
4. then copy and paste the link it gives you into your address bar
Sophie the Swamp Witch Avatar
Visit the Halloween Paintbrushes page in the Haunted Woods
Float Avatar
Visit a Rainbow Flotsam’s lookup
Angered Avatar
Visit a Male Royal Acara’s lookup
Star Gazer Avatar
Visit a Starry Kau’s lookup
Baby Avatar
Visit a Baby Nimmo’s lookup
Aaay Avatar
Change your shopkeeper to Quiggle Bandit and view your shop front, Changing your shopkeeper from Emo Usuki will lose you that one, BUT you can get it back again and NOT lose the new one (visiting a shop of someone using the Quiggle Bandit shopkeeper also works, here is another)
Yarrble Avatar
Visit a Pirate Yurble’s lookup
Moach Avatar
View the lookup of a petpet that has a Moach attached
Zomutt Avatar
Visit here you need to go to the very bottom, or any Zomutt’s lookup
Avast Snort Avatar
Visit a Pirate Moehog’s lookup
Niptor Avatar
Visit here you need to go to the very bottom, or any Niptor’s lookup
ouch Avatar
Visit a Clay Pet’s lookup
Who me? Avatar
Visit a Pink Cybunny’s lookup
Haiku Avatar
visit The Haiku Generator and refresh a LOT
Gloomy Avatar
Visit here when the weather is gloomy/rainy, it works at the other weather locations if it is gloomy
Captain Scarblade Avatar
Visit here
Good or Bad Avatar
Visit the Chapter 5 plot page Curse of Maraqua
Maraquan Avatar
Visit any Maraquan Chomby Lookup
Woo!!! Avatar
Visit here, or any pet’s lookup that has a Slugawoo
Spot Avatar
Visit any Spotted Gelert’s Lookup
Raindorf Avatar
Visit here, or any pet’s lookup that has a Raindorf
I *heart* Happiness
You must have and be using the I *heart* Sloth avatar then click here
Baby Buzz
in the search bar (the one on the left sidebar) type “i love baby buzz!” (don’t forget the ! and without the “”)
Fiery Avatar
Visit any Fire Pteri’s lookup
Ohemgee Avatar
Visit here or any other Royal Bruce. This appears to be the only one in Neopia so please don’t bug the owner of this pet
Jolly Wreathy Avatar
Visit here or any Wreathy’s lookup
Bleh Avatar
Click here
Colourful Avatar
click here or visit any Rainbow Korbat’s lookup
Back Off!’ Avatar
Visit here or any mutant Draik’s lookup
Island Mystic Avatar
Visit the Island Mystic The fortune he gives you must have Kyrii in it
Doomed Avatar
Go to the Game Graveyard and refresh a LOT If you hold down the F5 key, that does the refreshing very quickly
Emo Usuki Avatar
Change your shop keeper to the Usul – gothic, then visit your own shop front. WARNING!!!! if you change your shopkeeper afterwards and visit your shop front the avatar WILL be taken away – you can always get it back again though. It has been said that if you keep the shopkeeper for a month then you can change it and not lose it, but this is NOT true, if you change the shopkeeper and DON’T visit your shop front you won’t lose it
Goldy Avatar
Visit here or any Goldy lookup
Jeran – Hero Avatar
Visit the Battle for Meridell war room
Ruki Avatar
Visit a Ruki’s lookup, you can see one here
Lord Kass minion Avatar
Visit Lord Kass’s Gallery of Evil entry here
Dark Peophin Avatar
Go to a Darigan Peophin’s lookup
Cracked Avatar
Visit a Baby Pteri’s lookup, here is another
It’s Alive Avatar
Visit here you need to go to the very bottom, or any Faellie’s lookup
Neomail Avatar
Random event when clicking on Neomails, you can also get it by refreshing your Neomail inbox A LOT, you also get it when you sign up for Neopets Premium, and NO I CAN’T HELP YOU SIGN UP, however the people here can Premium Details , sending the neomails with I love neomails does NOT work, thats how it was when the avatar was first released, what I have stated is the CURRENT ways of getting the avatar
Battle JubJub Avatar
Visit here (or any painted Jubjub’s lookup)
Grundo Warehouse Avatar
Go to Grundo Warehouse in virtupets space station and enter A384J-228P1 on the left column where it says 10 character code ~ It is case sensitive so remember to enter the code in caps
Yurble Avatar
Visit a Yurble’s lookup
Helpful Zafara Avatar
Search for “avatar ” repeatedly on the Help Page, (just type avatar in the help box help and refresh until you get it)
Plushie Eyrie Avatar
Go to post a new topic Put squawk as the topic title and topic message and nothing else. no quotes, no other words. JUST squawk and squawk alone. Make sure you spell it right Click Create Topic You should get the random event, and the board will not be created.
Techo Master Avatar
Dr Death Avatar
Visit Dr Death at the abandon desk in the adoption center, (you don’t have to disown a pet, just visit the page)
Aisha Defender Avatar
The page may tell you to enter the Defenders Arena, enter then you will get the avatar. If you have entered the arena previously the link will take you directly to the avatar
Lupe Defender Avatar
Maraquan Krawk Avatar
Visit a Maraquan Krawk’s lookup page: click here
Angelpuss Angel Avatar
Grey Faerie Avatar
Pirate Aisha Avatar
Pirate Scorchio Avatar
Pirate Shoyru Avatar
Pirate Krawk Avatar
Faerie Grundo Avatar
Visit a Faerie Grundo’s lookup
Usuki Avatars
Watch the Usuki Advert HERE then close the advert and refresh your chat prefs page to get both Avatars
(you will need to actually have an item)
Koi Bubble Avatar
Have a Koi Plushie in your inventory and Visit the Lookup of a Koi’s Lookup
Just a Costume Avatar
Have a sloth item in your inventory and Visit the Lookup of a Halloween Moehog, Sloth Ruler & Sloth Faerie Plushie (currently) are cheap items
Speckled Avatar
Feed speckled food to your pet, if you have a skeith or grarrl you can feed them a non food speckled item (all speckled items have had the prices go completely mad)
Plush Avatar
Visit the Lookup of a Plushie Cybunny, whilst having a plushie in your inventory
YBIC Avatar
Take your pet to a Yes Boy Ice-Cream concert, buy a ticket (I put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Charmer Avatar
Take your pet to a Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers concert, buy a ticket (I put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Burninate Avatar
You have to have a scorchio plushie in your inventory (any colour will do) then visit the page of a TCG Album which has the Scordrax Card, the Avatar appears at the bottom
Visit the Lookup of a Starry Gelert, while you have an item with the word Starry in the name
Sneaky Avatar
You need to have the Zafara Double Agent Plushie in your inventory then look up Zafara Double Agent where it says search neopets (left sidebar)
Nabile Avatar
By viewing Nabile’s Neopedia entry while having a Scarab Ring or any kind of Ring like Cheap Water Ring in your inventory.
Tomos Avatar
Have an item with Scarab in the name, in your inventory – like Burnt Scarab Cookie, JUST 1np out if you have more than 1np out it WILL NOT WORK and visit here
Robo Avatar
Put a Robo pet item in your neohome (like Robo Chia), robo quiggles do work if you change language to japanese (2nd one from the bottom) before adding it to you’re neohome
Tasty Avatar
Feed your pet an item with the word Custard in the name (I used Chilled Eyeball Custard) There’s a possibly cheaper way then the chilled eyeball custard. buy a Illusen creme cookie or strawberries and cream baby food, change your language to Portuguese and then feed them the cookie. Â – Ania_the_fae
King Kelpbeard
Have a Maracite weapon in your inventory and visit King Kelpbeard TCG You must give the owner collateral at least the value of the item and please return the item as soon as you can, deadlyboy123 (maractite net, collateral 70k), miztt4279 (Maractite Spear, collateral 20k), Luv_is_painful39 (maractite cord, collateral 50k), koskyl (Enchanted Maraquan Necklace, collateral 14k)
Candy Avatar
Buy and break open one of the new pinata toys, NOT the furniture ones, only these four work, Balthazar Pinata, Hubrid Nox Pinata, Meuka Pinata and Vira Pinata
Dark Nova Avatar
Equip a Dark Nova or Scroll of Dark Nova to your pet
Haunted Avatar
Equip a Spooky Weapon to your pet (it doesn’t have to be a Scorchio) List of Weapons – Patched Magic Hat, Dusty Magic Broom, Enchanted Cobweb, Scary Spider, Spider on a String, Jar of Spiders, Ethereal Sword, Spooky Slime, Pumpkin Stick, Pumpkin Club, Bone Sword, Pot of Darkness, Glowing Cauldron, Spooky Rubber Axe, Haunted Shield, Demonic Bow, Cursed Elixir
Beauty Avatar
Groom your pet, any grooming item will do
Plushie Tonu Avatar
Donate any item with the word Plushie in the title to the Money Tree, do NOT use quickstock to donate
Achyfi Yuck! Avatar
Feed your pet anything with Juice OR Drink in the title
Jazz Avatar
Take your pet to Jazzmosis concert. buy a ticket (we put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Tooth Faerie Avatar
Random Event
Garlic’d Avatar
Feed your pet an item with the word Garlic in it, Garlic Bread Halves is the obvious, feeding a Skeith a Garlic Shield. This is now working again with Garlic items, old ways with Leeks DO NOT work, Language changing options include : Funnydew Melon – Portuguese – any pet Palm Fan – French or Italian – Grarrl/Skeith Brightvale Flags Stained Glass Window – French – Grarrl/Skeith from _green_day_06_
Broken Avatar
Visit the Broken Toy Repair Shop and have him try to fix a toy, not all broken toys have fixed versions (you still get the avatar even if he doesn’t fix the item)
mmm… Toasty Avatar
Have an item, with Bread (NOT toast, toasted Pyramibread works because of the word bread) in the title, in your inventory and visit Techo Mountain (MUST be this url)
Do Not Eat Avatar
Feed you pet an item with the word carrot in (Carrot and Pea omelette is the cheapest)
Gnome Avatar
Have any item with Gnome in the title in your items and visit the garden shop
Kiko Ninja Avatar
Have the Niten Hiroru card in your inventory, and go to the Neopedia article
Vira Avatar
You must have a mirror (any item with mirror in the title) in your inventory, then visit Vira – Gallery of Evil
Lab Ray Avatar
You lab has to change your pets species – (This requires collecting the Secret Laboratory Map (no other map will work) you need all 9 pieces to complete the map)
Magical Kau Avatar
You must use a Morphing Potion on ANY pet, NOTE this doesn’t include Transmogrification Potions
Fyora Day Avatar
allow your pet to play with a Faerie Queen Doll, From the hidden tower – Cost : 2,000,000 NP
Fire Paw Avatar
You have to add Fire Paw into your NeoDeck
Groovy Chomby Avatar
Take your pet to Chomby & the fungus balls concert. buy a ticket (we put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Faboo Avatar
You need to buy an item of clothing from uni fashion with a rarity of 80+ – click here Balthazar T-Shirt, Blue Bogie T-Shirt, Blue Cap, Blue Khonsu T-Shirt, Erisim T-Shirt, Green JubJub Cap, Green Marbleman Tshirt, Hasee T-Shirt, I Love Buzzer T-Shirt, I Love Chezzoom T-Shirt, I Love Faerie Cadro T-Shirt, I Love Hornsby T-Shirt, I Love Kadoatie T-Shirt, I Love Khamette T-Shirt, I Love Lyins T-Shirt, I Love My Mutant Faellie Shirt, I Love Scarabug T-Shirt, I Love Selket T-Shirt, I Love Splyke T-Shirt, I Love Spyder T-Shirt, I Love Tenna T-Shirt, I Love Turtums T-Shirt, I Love Wadjet T-Shirt, Jubjub T-shirt, Krawk T-Shirt, Leather Jacket, Lord Kass Halloween Costume, Lucky Fishing Boots, Orange Cap, Pinceron T-Shirt, Pink Blooky T-Shirt, Pink Flosset T-Shirt, Pink Kadoatie T-Shirt, Pink Walein T-Shirt, Red Cap, Red Marbleman Tshirt, Straw Hat, Studded Collar, War Chia Top, Yellow Avabot T-Shirt, Yellow Buzzer T-Shirt, Yellow Kookith T-Shirt, Yellow Moltenore T-Shirt, Yellow Mortog T-Shirt, Yellow Ramosan T-Shirt, Yellow Sunutek T-Shirt, Yellow Zebba T-Shirt
Pack Rat Avatar
Have 1000 (or more) DIFFERENT items in your SDB, here is a list as a GUIDE
Alien Aisha Avatar
To get this you need play the vending machine (Use any kind of nerkmid – basic golden are usually the cheapest, but check the shop wiz)
Snorkle Avatar
Feed your pet a Snorkle Snout
I Love My Rock Avatar
Buy a Sticks and Stones Concert Ticket and go to the Concert
Let it Snow Avatar
Have the Icy Snowflake in your items and CLICK HERE (you have to make sure the weather is below freezing or it won’t work)
Lost Desert Stamp Avatar
Complete the Lost Desert Stamp Collection
Haunted Woods Stamp Avatar
Complete the Haunted Woods Stamp Collection
Tyrannia Stamp Avatar
Complete the Tyrannia Stamp Collection<
Virtupets Stamp Avatar
Complete the Virtupets Stamp Collection>
Mystery Island Stamp Avatar
Complete the Mystery Island Stamp Collection
Evil Fuzzle Avatar
play with a BLUE Evil Fuzzle, until BOO! you get the avatar (this can take many, many attempts, best to keep your item popup box open and keep refreshing, it does scare your chosen pet though and makes it unhappy)
I’m Smelly Avatar
Have 10 different items with the word dung in, in your inventory and refresh
Chokato Avatar
Have the Chokato TCG in your items and refresh.
Mad About Orange Avatar
Hold at least 8 different items with the word orange in, in your inventory and refresh (I have known it happen with 8 items, also some people have said they had up to 12)
Pant Devil Avatar
Have a specific hidden tower item in your inventory and refresh (a lot) Make sure you fill your items up with junk just incase he decides to take something. Not all items attract him, We used Tiki Armour, it seems to work on weapons 1 mill and above. (e.g. Fire & Ice Blade, Werelupe Sword, Meukas Snot Trail, Mystery Palm Shield, Clawed Shield, Faerie Slingshot & Fruit Bowl. (please let me know if you discover any other items that work
Codestones Avatar
Have the full set of 10 original codestones on your inventory and refresh. (may need lots of refreshes)
MSPP Avatar
Have the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) in your inventory and refresh.
Chocolate Avatar
Buy an item from the Chocolate Shop with a Rarity of 90 or over: Click Here (check the gourmet food page to see list)
Soup Faerie Avatar
Random Event (you may have to visit many times) – your pet must be fed by the Soup Faerie (Only really poor people (under 3,000 NP) can get handouts at the Soup Kitchen.) you can take your neopoints and make an offer on something like a Faerie queen doll. They won’t accept it but you won’t have the neopoints until they reject or you withdraw so you can go to the soup faerie.
Faerie Queen Avatar
Buy any Item from the Hidden Tower, cheapest is Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy, there is NO random event, just check your chat prefs
Adam Avatar
have the same amount of Neopoints out as Adam has: Click Here
Dr Sloth Avatar
Random Event
(you will need to battle your pets)
Bob Avatar
Lose to Punchbag Bob’s evil twin Sid Here’s some information about the punchingbag bob avvie I have found:
1. you challenge punchbag bob. The name will not change
2. his difficulty is 100 when he is really sid
3. He has 2000 hitpoints instead of 5000 that bob has.
4. He is available randomly and is there at the start of the fight.
(Just refresh at the BD challenger page. When Bobs difficulty changes – rush in and take the blow) There is no need to have any BD items. I used defend and no items with my active pet and got the avatar. He is randomly available at certain times. Guess if you lurk on avatar board youll spot when people go crazy shouting “SID IS IN THE BD”
A splode Avatar
Fight the 1 Player Challenger Balthazar and LOSE (not the Inflatable Balthazar, your pet doesn’t have to be a Lupe), 1 Player challenges against anyone with YOUR Lupe and you lose also works
Tough Avatar
Own a Shoyru and WIN a 1 Player Battledome fight, Inflatable Balthazar is the easiest
Charge Avatar
Battle a Darigan Tonu These kind people do not insist on gifts or tips, but should you wish to send them something as a Thank You that would probably be appreciated An act of incredible kindness the following people have agreed to allow people to challenge them, please follow the instructions they state and above all be POLITE AND PATIENT and DO NOT use weapons against them that will make them ill/change colour/species fufu50 – I do not charge anything to fight in the battledome. All I do ask is that you enter the battledome as soon as possible and also leave it and end the fight. That way I am not held up and stuck in a fight for 30 minutes. o_zhean_o  – only rules are no poisoning and no species/color changing items like Chia flour or poisonous snowflake. – Please follow the instructions on my lookup blkmoondragoness – as above no poisoning or species/colour changing etc – Real life means she is taking a break for a while, so cannot help for the avatar for the time being, the name has been left at her request incase she has more time for Neo again
Valiant Avatar
Win against any 1 Player challenger complete the fight and at the page where is shows your pet, the trophy and the loser, It is random and may take LOTS of battles (refreshing NO LONGER works)
Wanna Fight? Avatar
Challenge and fight a Jetsam in the Battledome (it doesn’t matter if you win or lose), if you own a Jetsam doing a 1 player fight also works after the fight, press NEXT on the status page to receive your avatar. draikonor, deathmachine1992, knightmon124, huangchihang, lupe_lover934, th3_d3mon, joe4412, Â dragonfly7892572, river_dragon,, deadlyboy123, tesse500000000, Jadd1212 Inflination have volunteered their Jetsams for this avatar, please treat them with respect, please neomail before challenging. I am seriously unhappy that some people are using poisonous weapons and making the Jetsams ill, these Jetsam owners are volunteering their pets out of kindness and are suffering because of it, DO NOT use any weapon that will do harm or change species against these volunteers or I WILL remove
ALL the names
Ghost Lupe
you need to beat the Ghost Lupe in the Battledome Go to 131 soup alley to get him as a opponent.
Snotty Avatar
You need to beat Meuka in the Battledome To get him you – Get Sneezles or Neoflu and take a look at your Quick Ref – currently the Wheel of Excitement Skull is giving Bubbles, but changes randomly, alternatively try the Wheel of Misfortune
Kasuki Lu – Heeyah Avatar
Beat Kasuki Lu in the Battledome – to get him as an opponent you must look as his collectable card in your items.
Black Pteri Avatar
Defeat the Black Pteri in the Battledome The event to get him is random
Heermeedjet & Meerouladen Avatars
You need to gain Heermeedjet and Meerouladen as Battledome Challengers, defeat then and then report back to the Defender Headquarters. (mission 8 of Defenders of Neopia) To get them as Battledome challengers Visit the Desert Trapdoor and refresh (a lot) (if you get an old book, ignore it is from an old mystery)
Space Faerie Avatar
Defeat the Space Faerie in the Battledome To get her you must redeem an item code HERE
(you need to own a specific type of pet)
Snow Day Avatar
you must OWN a snow pet (100+ days old) and visit its look up.
Hatched Avatar
You need to OWN a Draik, make it your active pet and visit the Draiks Nest
Fire Blumaroo Avatar
Own a Fire Blumaroo and have an aged 30 days Fire petpet (includes Baby Fireball) possibly problems may occur if the petpet is Mazzew, Snicklebeast etc that have other avatars associated
Mummified Avatar
Own a Halloween Ruki that has an aged Mummy Baby (30+ days) attached and view it’s lookup
Spotted Tuskaninny Avatar
Own a Tuskaninny, have an item with the word Spotted in the name, in your inventory (Lesser Spotted Fish is currently cheapest) and visit your Tuskaninny’s lookup
Ghost Avatar
You need to take your Krawk Pet (not petpet) to the Fungus Cave – Yes this means you need to OWN a Krawk Pet
Pink Avatar
Feed something with Popcorn in the name to a Pink pet, feeding Candy Corn Classic to your pink pet in German/Deutsch will apparently also get you the av
Wicked Avatar
Feed your Lenny a Spooky Food
Quiggle Day Avatar
You must OWN, an Island Quiggle, and visit its lookup
Super Pea Avatar
You need to equip a Super Attack Pea, to a Pea Chia
Forever Orange Avatar
You must OWN an Orange Grundo and go to its lookup.
*SIGH* Avatar
You must OWN a Grey pet and look at its lookup
Bless you, Shoyru Avatar
You need to bless a Shoyru with a bottled faerie, Bottled Earth Faerie’s or Air Faerie’s seem to work the best
Kacheek Swim Avatar
Take your Kacheek to the Beach on Mystery Island, (make sure it’s your active pet)
Elephante Surprise Avatar
Feed your Elephante a “Bag of Peanuts”
Buzzin’ Avatar
You have to paint your Buzz at the Rainbow Fountain, you need a Fountain Faerie quest to be able to do this
Mutant JubJub Avatar
Turn your pet into a Mutant using Transmogrification Potion, Moehog is generally the cheapest
Were Lupe Avatar
You must own a Halloween Lupe – look at it the pets lookup
Jetsam Chomp Avatar
If you have a Jetsam feed any aquatic petpet to it, Pepito, Sproing, Peadackle or Catamara are possibly the cheapest
Grarrl Warrior Avatar
Equip your Grarrl with either the Bony Grarrl Club, or the Horned Grarrl Slingshot (please do not create yet another pet to do this, there is hundreds in the pound) The chances of getting this avatar are slim as the item(s) are incredibly rare
Coconut Avatar
If you have a Coconut JubJub feed it a Coconut Cocktail (you can only get Coconut JubJub at the fountain or the lab ray)
Hungry Skeith Avatar
Feed an item that contains the word Skeith, to a Skeith, cheapest is a Skeith Juice Cocktail, Cheese Skeith usually doesn’t work and gives the Skeith Neezles (please do not create yet another pet to do this, there is hundreds in the pound)
(you need to own a specific type of petpet)
Durp Avatar
Have a Quadrapus attached for 60 days then go to your Pet Lookup
Snicklebeast Avatar
Attach a Snicklebeast to your pet for 61+ days go to your pet lookup page (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Huggy Avatar
Attach a Huggy to your pet for 99+ days go to your pet lookup page (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Harris Avatar
Attach a Harris to your pet for 99+ days go to your pet lookup page (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Gruslen Avatar
Attach a Gruslen to your pet for 99+ days go to your pet lookup page (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Mazzew Avatar
Attach a Mazzew to your pet for 221 days. go to your pet lookup page (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Whee Avatar
You must have a Snowbunny attached to your pet for over 1 year (365+ days), go to your pet lookup page, via pet name search and refresh (it is possible if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you won’t get the avatar)
Slorg Avatar
You must have a slorg attached to your pet for over 100 days, go to your pet lookup (if you attach it in any language other than your normal one then you may not get the avatar)
Hungry Drackonack Avatar
Have a Drackonack and many Cheese items in your inventory and keep refreshing until the Drackonack eats a piece (Make sure there is cheese either side of him in your inventory and if possible no other items)
Mootix Avatar
Equip a Mootix to your petpet, and refresh the Quick Ref page (to equip a Mootix, put it in your inventory and refresh (a lot) make sure your have your items full, in case the Pant Devil decides to strike, also you can not un-equip the Petpet without the Mootix disappearing, so you can’t borrow/lend them)
Angelpuss Avatar
Give an Angelpuss to your pet, and refresh the Quick Ref page
Meowclops Avatar
Give a Meowclops to your pet, and refresh the Quick Ref page
(you will need to play a game or do something)
An excellent series of guides for some of the games can be found here
Emote Avatar
Post these smilies in this order WITHOUT spaces. Type them out, copy and paste does not seem to work:)*angry*:(thats
with NO other text in the reply box. DO NOT MAKE A NEW BOARD!, IT WORKS ON EXISTING BOARDS! (Avatars/Neosigs boards ONLY)
YBIC Avatar
Take your pet to a Yes Boy Ice-Cream concert, buy a ticket (I put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Charmed Avatar
Take your pet to a Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers concert, buy a ticket (I put up the daily concerts on the home page, so check daily to see if they are playing)
Feed Me
Score 1200+ in Feed Florg (other report say you have to get into the high score table, this has only been mentioned once and cant be confirmed yet)
Faerie Bubbles
Score 2000+ in Faerie Bubbles
Herder Avatar
Score 250+ on Extreme Herder
Symol Avatar
Random Event at the Symol Hole – To do this you MUST have a petpet attached
Revenge is Sweet Avatar
Score 2250+ at Whack-a-Staff (possibly 2225 might get it)
Heads Avatar
Score 320 and collect np at Double or Nothing
Cheesy Avatar
Random Cheeseroller – Select Warty Blue Cheese (2700np), is the one that worked for me with Hold Steady, win, finish in less than a minute (Spicy Juppie Cheese is just 150np)
Volcano Run Ouch Avatar
Score 3500+ at Volcano Run
Stop Thief
score 1100+ at Grand Theft Ummagine an excellent guide can be found here (when petpages decide to work)
Terror Avatar
score 3600+ at Typing Terror
Oops Avatar
you need your petpet to be turned into a pile of soot by the Petpet Laboratory Map
Smooch Avatar
Random when you win 4 rounds of Kiss the Mortog and collect your winnings
Lost Avatar
Random when you manage to retrieve an item in the Deserted Tomb (you can only visit once a day)
Wise, Powerful & Crazy Avatar
Copied from the lookup of coruscatebleu You get it playing Neoquest 1, you have to beat the Archmagus of Roo in the Temple of Roo, then give the Clouded Gem to Erick the Crazy Bunny
Fishing Avatar
catch a Titanic Giant Squid at the Underwater Cavern, seen at last, the pet had a fishing Level of 94 an excellent guide by the first known owner of the avatar is here, a pet with a fishing level 84 has got the avatar
To the Rescue Avatar
Score 250+ at Petpet Rescue
Top Gamer Avatar
Play 250 DIFFERENT games (with scores) and visit your scores page (with the new avatar needing so many games to be played I have made a page for ALL the scoring Sponsor games, if you know of any I have missed, regardless of what language, please email me)
Premium Avatar
You must refer 4 people to Premium Neopets. (they must continue after the free trial is up) Only certain people can refer, I am NOT one of them chipperkitten ceejay1967 _ash500_ bethen5 Sinclairsecurity aylomen22 bigben7175 & ae2clowes & Mattsplat52 & Casper_viel & jk1971 & pink_water_faerie23 & crochunter251 & bebachula & gravytrain62 & xxfaeriebabyxx & starbreezekitty & rachsalb & lynnmarlow123987neo & Scoobechick53 aschmuhl279 & summer_sky85 & moon1315 & kitkat2099 & sillyboy2000 & fikshunpink7 & joescorchy & kimberly21368 & eminemslilsupergurl & lilangel002 & mechelmel & purringfox have volunteered to refer people, but you must ask them POLITELY (to take part in the trial you MUST have a real life credit card/Paypal, do NOT ask for an invite if you don’t have this) These people can refer you to premium, they CANNOT get you the avatar, it also does NOT count towards the total as it appears at the end of the default list, you lose it if you stop paying for premium I AM NOT ADDING ANY MORE NAMES UNTIL SOME NAMES COME OFF!!!
Yuck Avatar
Get to Level 50 then QUIT/FLOOD in Sewage Surfer a game guide for getting the avatar can be found here
Meepit/Feepit Avatar
Score 3000+ at Meepit vs. Feepit
Bon Appetit Avatar
Visit the Kelp restaurant, After you get in, you have your dinner, cheapest thing on the menu is 7K so take lots of NP. When they “Doggy Bag” the leftovers is when you get the avie.  (links that worked the day the avatar came out don’t any longer) it is also random so you may have to visit repeatedly to get the avatar, I have made up a page with screenies here
Meep Avatar
Score 3500+ in Meepit Juice Break
Misfortune Avatar
Land on the Pile of Sludge and have an item turned to sludge at the Wheel of Misfortune
Destructo Avatar
Score 2500+ at Destruct-O-Match II
Spike Avatar
score 800+ at Mynci Beach Volleyball
Ice Cream Machine Avatar
score 14750+ at Ice Cream Machine (it might be lower)
Pull! Drat! Avatar
Visit here and pull the lever until the avatar eventually appears *BE WARNED EACH PULL, A HAND STEALS 100NP FROM YOU, people have reported losing anywhere between 200np and 275,000np* It is possible it works if you put your np in the bank
Ace Zafara Avatar
Score 550+ in Advert Attack extra tips can be found here
Must Keep Smiling Avatar
Random when you Play Kacheek Seek and find your pet
Scalawag Avatar
Random Event when you win a big prize at Buried Treasure costs 300np a go
Snow Faerie Avatar
Random when you complete a Snow Faerie Quest
Kiosk Avatar
Win at the Scratchcard Kiosk
Snowager Avatar
Very random event while visiting snowager when he is asleep (He is asleep 3 times a day 6 – 7 AM, 2 – 3 PM & 10 – 11 PM NST) and you get blasted
Dice Escape Avatar
Score 1000+ in Dice Escape
Attack of Slorgs Avatar
Score 1000+ in Attack of the Slorgs
Random Contest Avatar
Win a random contest
Got Dubloons Avatar
Train a pet at the Swashbuckling Academy and you will receive the avatar when the course completes (you need to press finish to get the avatar)
Hannah Avatar
Score 150,000+ points in Hannah and the pirate caves
Grarrl Keno Avatar
Match 4 eggs being hatched in Grarrl Keno (I heard people saying they got it at 3 eggs, but I had 3 eggs loads of times and didn’t get it- first time I matched 4 eggs, I got it) (Bet 1 NP, do a quick pick. After the numbers were revealed, just refresh that page. It will cost you 1 NP per refresh) – this is not a cheat,. just the quickest and cheapest way to get it, Neopets have now made this totally random (Neopets have made gambling games unavailable to young users so anyone underage WON’T be able to play this)
Petpet Sitter Avatar
score 2500+ at Petpet Sitter
Hungry Skeith Avatar
Score 1000+ at Jelly Processing Plant or Hungry Skeith
Gormball Avatar
Win a game of Gormball
Brainy Avatar
complete the Faerie Crossword answers on the home page daily
Poogle Racing Winner Avatar
Win the Poogle Races then press continue which will return you to the main Poogle races page
Smugglers Avatar
Score 800+ at Dubloon Disaster
Buzz Techo Avatar
Score 300+ at the buzzer game
Mew Avatar
feed 75 Kadoaties
Freak Grundo Avatar
Score 1250+ at Freaky Factory
Chase Avatar
score 1250+ at Meerca Chase II or 750+ at Meerca Chase I
Brightvale Avatar
Land on the star whilst playing the Wheel of Knowledge in Brightvale, it has been reported that landing on other things get it too
Deckswabber Avatar
Score 825 or 850+ at Deckswabber
King Skarl Avatar
random event when you tell the Grumpy Old King a joke and score under 300 (and get thrown out of his Kingdom)
Neopian Times Star Avatar
you have to have been published at least 10 times in the Neopian Times (this doesn’t include Editorial questions)
Lucky Roo Avatar
Win the Jackpot (Silver Dice) at Dice a Roo (Neopets have made gambling games unavailable to young users so anyone underage WON’T be able to play this)
MMM, snow Avatar
Score 5,000+ in Snowmuncher game help = Type buuuurrrrrrrrp and your bloat percentage goes down 50% (that’s 4 u’s & 8 r’s) once a game only
Game Over Avatar
Play Cliffhanger and LOSE
Shape Shifter Avatar
You get it by completing level 6 of Shape Shifter and then returning to the game’s main page – I am getting reports of needing to complete level 5 and reports saying level 6
Lord Kass Avatar
Score 850+ at Whack-A-Kass
Mediocre Avatar
Land on the 1000np on the Wheel of Mediocrity (this is VERY rare)
Sydney Avatar
You need to scratch off 3 winning squares on a scratchcard from the Deserted Fairground Kiosk.
Coco Roller Avatar
Go to Neopets Mobile and download the game and send in the score under your username. You need a specific type of mobile phone and a specific phone carrier. THIS COSTS ACTUAL MONEY!!!! An act of incredible kindness svalentine123, sawahsaurus, gamez555, december_blue1 will, if asked politely consider creating codes for people, you MUST be patient if you ask any of them – None of these ask for tips, but if you want to give them a gift as a Thank You then I am sure that would be appreciated
Turmaculus Avatar
Turmy has to eat your petpet, he is only awake at random times in the day for 15 minutes per time, if you can, change your petpet to a cheaper one.
Invaded Moehog Avatar
Random Event playing Invasion of Meridell
Tyranu Evavu Avatar
Play Tyranu Evavu and get a winning streak of 15+
Wheel of Monotony Avatar
Random event on the Wheel of Monotony this game is brain numbing, the avatar is supposed to be an event after the wheel stopped, Generally you must land on the ?, landing on other things sometimes work too, it can take over 2 hours for the wheel to stop
Cybunny Day Avatar
you have to beat a Bionic Cybunny in chapter/level 5, for those of you already finished NeoQuestII you are going to have to start all over again….sigh
Raiders of Maraqua Avatar
Score 800+ on Raiders of Maraqua
Pick your own Avatar
Pick Your Own get 6 items in the basket making sure NONE is a pile of dung and once you click to leave the farm you get the avatar – if you find dung you can click on it in the basket and discard it unless it is the sixth item
Gadgads Avatar
Score 1000+ in Gadgadsgame
Master Vex Avatar
when you play Cellblock – Quote from the Editorial – the avatar is not random. Not random at all. From what we’ve seen, not one person has actually figured out the real trick to getting the avatar. It may seem random, but it’s not by any means. I think it’s the only one we’ve ever really stumped people with. *cackle*
Dr Grumps Avatar
Score 900+ at Gourmet Club Bowls – type “shepherd” on the opening game, before you even start, you will hear a round of applause if it has worked, press continue, and you will receive double the score at the end of each round.
Neoquest II Weakling Avatar
you have to be beaten by a Plains Lupe in NeoQuestII
Devil Puss Avatar
you have to beat the Devilpuss in NeoQuestII its in chapter 5, which is Faerieland, Cumulonimbus
Lenny’s Rule Avatar
win a trophy (get in the first 250 to submit a correct answer) at Lenny Conundrum – (you will be awarded the avatar when you receive your prize)
Evil Eliv Thade Avatar
Score 1250+ points in The Castle of Eliv Thade. You only need to score around 950 points, then go to the crypt additional points for completing give enough for the avatar. To score 950 I recommend, that you go around all the rooms, then get back to where you started, and keep moving max spaces to get 7 letter words, each word correctly identified gives you 10 points, this may take a while to do, but its a good way to exceed 950
Blumaroo Court Jester Avatar
tell the Grumpy Old King a joke, and score at least 850/1000, a report is in of 851 NOT getting the avatar
Turtum Avatar
Score a minimum of 225 in Ultimate Bullseye
Chia Bomber Avatar
Score 1300+ points in Chia Bomber or the new Chia Bomber 2
Magax Avatar
Score 3000+ at MAGAX: Destroyer
Lucky Streak Avatar
get a 10 game winning streak in Bilge Dice
Blige Dice Avatar
a random event after getting the score of 24 (that’s 1 & 4 plus 4 sixes in a row) in Bilge Dice
Sutek’s Tomb Avatar
Score 2000+ at Sutek’s Tomb
Plushie Tycoon Avatar
Get a trophy at Plushie Tycoon
Deadly Dice Avatar
you must get a draw and replay for 2 levels at Deadly Dice – Open between 12AM and 1AM NST (that’s 8 o’clock UK time) (be careful he does take it back off you if you get a draw, if you play more after getting the avatar)
Extreme Potato Avatar
Score 200+ in Extreme Potato Counter
Avatar Collector Avatar
Get into the top 50 of the high scores in Avatar Collecting
Edna Avatar
Edna gives this out as a random event after completing one of her quests it could happen quickly (20-30) or could take 100’s of quests
Freaked Korbat Avatar
Get in the top 50 of the high scores in Korbat’s Lab
Escape from Meridell Castle Avatar
Get into the top 50 of the high scores at Escape from Meridell Castle
Capara Avatar
Win the First Round of Cheat (random)
Better Than You Avatar
Beat the Challenger: Click Here to Play
Grundo Snow Throw Avatar
Get in the top 50 of the high scores for Grundo Snow Throw
Jhudora Avatar
Complete Level 20 of Jhudora’s Cloud
Wheel Avatar
Win 10,000NP at the Wheel of Excitement
Illusen Glade Avatar
Complete Level 20 of Illusen’s Glade
Maths Nightmare Avatar
Get in the top 50 of the high scores in Maths Nightmare
RETIRED AVATARS (Some are available again only on certain days)
Seasonal Attack Pea Avatar
given out in the Advent Calendar
Meridell Shield Avatar
If you fought in the Meridell war on Meridell’s side view your lookup and refresh until you gain it.
Saved Mystery Island
The first 10,000 people to figure out the mystery island plot got this.
Free Jhuidah
You needed to free Jhuidah during the Mystery Island plot.
TCG Wizard
Given to the winners of the Neopets staff TCG Tournament
Darigan Shield Avatar
If you fought in the Meridell war on Darigan’s side view your lookup and refresh until you gain it.
Volcano Reward
The first 100 users to figured out the answer to the Mystery island Plot got this
I &heart; Sloth
Go here tick the accept box and answer C,D,B,C,A
Oh Yeah Avatar
after completing a Jhudora quest
Valentines Chia
you Send this greeting
Gadgadsbogen Avatar
Click here
TCG Tournament2 Avatar
Congratulations to all those that guessed correctly in our TCG Tournament. The winners will receive Neopoints, TCG cards, and this lovely avatar…
Illusen Doll Avatar
Complete an Illusen Quest on Illusen day
April Fools Avatar
Random Event here on the day
Easter Cybunny Avatar
send this Easter card , get it here
Funny Avatar
You had to win the 400th caption contest (according to the editorial its sort of retired) (It was only for the 400th contest. It will however be given out for the winners of the 500th, 600th, 700th etc.. so there are more chances to get hold of it coming up.)
Plushie Nova Avatar
You had to visit the McDonald’s Daily Giveaway!
Redeemed Avatar
You had to have signed up for the old war, then go to to redeem yourself.
BFM – Squished Spyders Avatar
If you fought the Spyders and won in the war, go to your user lookup and it will appear.
Its just been brought to our attention that there was an avatar released without anyone knowing and its now retired
approx July 2004. You had to be in some Return of Dr. Sloth TCG tournament which was only held in the US. Special
Fir Avatar
Advent Calendar prize
Maraquan War Avatars
You will receive ONE of these depending on which role you played in the recent war, visit your own lookup, if you did not take part then you do not get an avatar
NT Writer Avatar
Awarded to the select few who had an article/comic published in the 200th Edition of the Neopian Times
Happy Birthday Avatar
Visit the News Page
But What Does it Mean Avatar
Translate your tablet, see here for details
I found a avvie that you either DON’T have or the link is faulty. It’s for the avvie peophin-faerie. lookup mizu29 on neopets. THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!
Harro all!! Anyone have a baby kougra… at the most 50 days old?? oh and I can seriously use like a paint brush or something 🙂 THankies.
Hello How do you earn 100000000 neopoints by using this website
Stop typing spam!
Hello there 🙂 I am Richa, immieran on Neopets 🙂 No NF Requests please.
Wow this is very helpful! Please look at my user! blue_skys24! LOTS OF LOVE!!
comment 642: What? o_e
hey i just found out a new avatar – check the lookup of grey faerie and click on neopedia of grey faerie XD
hey i just found out a new avatar – check the lookup of grey faerie and click on neopedia of grey faerie XD
im giving my acoount out your mom18 kip neomial me and i will check
or tyranian jubjub?
Does anyone hav a baby kougra?
Maybe you got it in the past.
Is there any way you can get I <3 Sloth and I <3 Happiness avatars anymore?
my best score on Bumble Beams is 5078 and i’m the only user in neopets history to get 5000 🙂 let alone do it multiple times
sorry bout the bragging, it’s just my fav. game, proud to be the best!!!
hi ppl ur weird and these avatars r cool wats ur neopets ppl
3,390 was my score today at dubloon disaster and i got the avie, although this guide says you can get it by getting 800 or more points, well i have gotten well over 800 before and never gotten the avatar. I have heard from other guides that you have to get 2,500 or more and i have now confirmed that myself, to be true.
are u sure you won’t login to ‘someone’s’ acc first before sending u your user and pass word?I’m sorry but it sounded obvious…..
anyway I have started neopets all over username is _cherrycupcakes_ (New username)feel free to neomail me and do friend request! 😀
Ã’ve played the Garrl Keno, i bet 1 like its posted Up there, and i’ve ached 4 eggs, and steel i didnt get the avatar
Does anyone know anything about a Darigan Pteri avatar that is being released to day by going to the lookup – defying_gravity728
Information I got said it only works from 11am – 10:59pm Aug5.
i cant find the draik when i try to adopt it or a krawk! (i want the draik just saying) so any way i cant find it in the pound either and i really want the draik its so cute! plz help!
by the way i’m not the Lulu who write above,I’m the one who comment.from now on i’ll use the name popcorn
wow great links anyway whats your fave pb?*angelpuss*
Hey it didnt work here!
Hey you want a trade here are my items just neomail lsoccerw,
Wriggling Grub,
Tombola Pencil Sharpener,
Anti-Gravity Yoyo,
Burnt Scarab Cookie,
Tin of Sardines,
Carrot and Pea Omelette,
Secret Laboratory Map,
Space Tots,
Neggitus Injection,
Bottle of Black Sand,
Lime Elixir,
Healing Potion VII,
Ubikiberry Elixir,
Pale Elixir,
Alabriss Stained Glass Window,
Shiny Purple Cowry Shell,
Turmac Roll Playset,
Large Metal Shield,
Sturdy Blue Shield,
Sun Ray Picture Frame,
Snazzy Moon Comb,
Rocket Corn on the Cob,
Mummy Spaghetti,
Strawberry Artichoke,
Million Degree Sword,
Engraved Broad Sword,
Water Mote,
Seek Visor,
Robot Mote,
Brilliant Blade of Brightvale,
Ice Sword,
Pyramid Dagger,
Intricate Qasalan Dagger,
Ancient Scimitar,
Salt Mote,
Wet Snowball,
Icy Snowball,
Water Mote,
Branston Battlecard,
Scarab Stone Slingshot,
Small Metal Shield
THNX GOD O.O ….. I Really Appreciated ^.^ How Can I Ever Repay you…???? x[
I totally love neopets the rock out loud peoples
My Apolojeez
OMFG IT WORKED AHHHH!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! THNX SWEET BERRY YOUR D BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. E-mail me,
2. Give me your username and pw, and what color pb you like best
3. Sit back, relax, DON’T GET THE ACCOUNT! It’ll screw things up, ok?
4. Get back on when I say I’m done and see your NPs MULTIPLIED!!!* Your super rare and AWESOME paintbrush!
*KEY!!! 1-25,000nps=5x that, 25,001-100,000nps=4x that, 100,001-200,000=3x that, 200,001+=2x that!
Spiffy, eh? But REMEMBER, only ONCE per day
Well…It Doesnt Work That Way, Try It Or Not … 🙂 Im NOT A Scammer Like Some Of The Noobs Out There PS:If u try it u will never regret doing it.
I’m sorry…but if you tell us to change our pw to Npx1111neoseverX1,and then we tell you our username,you can login to our acc,and well…SCAM.Maybe you can do something else to help people that isn’t too obvious?Like,Neomail the items or something?
I think this site should be a chatting site.LOL oops my SIW (Sister Is Watching)bye!
Why would you need to know, cheyenne? Yes, I’m paranoid. XD
Wow thats alot thanks
Angela0—whats you name on neopets?
Thank for the avatar’s!
Hey, I just found this site, and I thought this would be a good place to ask: Does making a side account really get you banned? I want to make one, but I don’t want my main to get frozen. Thanks in advance!
Hi!!! This is awesome!!! I’m only a week old on my side account, and I have a bunch of avatars!!! Thx!!!
Some of the Neopet avatar doesn’t work.. because their owner is… frozen.
i got the turtum-ulitmate bullseye avatar by scoring 122 points in ultimate bullseye II
Doz anyone have an unwanted neopets acc?
If anyone needs a baby kougra, here is mine:
or my username strawberryfries
hey anonymous that doesnt work at all i tried it
For some reason, I couldn’t get the “mutant lenny avatar” but I found another lenny that worked. Just in case anyone else can’t get it just search for Pound_Vulture.
do u guys no any other kool cheat sites 4 neopets?