Neopets Diseases and Cures

Hey guys! I just added a new page on all the Diseases your Neopets can get and what to buy them to cure it. About time I had this page huh! So you can always get to it by going to the “Neopetes Tips!” page (It’ll be up near the top on that page) or click here to go to the Diseases and Cures page.

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14 Responses to Neopets Diseases and Cures

  1. tiffany says:

    message for Lauren….YOU CAN BUY A DOUBLOON AT THIS USERNAMES SHOP………….sapphir_3.also everyone go to my shop. my username is tiffanyluz.

  2. Rbirdzach says:

    anybody want to meet me on club penguin

  3. Fred rocks 11 says:

    If this is a scam, then i just fell for it and u better not hack my account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am so ticked off at myself!!!!!

  4. jay says:


  5. Jami Gonzales says:


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  8. hehehehe says:

    PLZ!Give me a Baby paintbrush,Darigan paintbrush,Faerie paintbrush&Fire paintbrush…PLZ I BEG U!

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  10. Listen! says:

    I don’t really know. Buy them from people’s shops, ummm…that’s all I can think of.

  11. LAUREN says:

    hello i need heLP!! hOW dO u gET dUBLOONS!!???

  12. Mary Hunt says:

    This message is for Chloe … I met you at the Blogher Conference in Chicago. My name is Mary Hunt and I write for Woman’s Day Magazine. I may be able to give you a plug in an upcoming issue. Could you please contact me by email as soon as possible like NOW? My deadline is very short … Thanks. Mary Hunt

  13. SHAE-SHAE says:

    Well i don t understand what your question to well but did you doubel check your computer?

  14. hayma says:

    I can’t link up neopets, is that I am in china, or neopets have something wrong

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