I need a rainbow paint brush!

Hi everyone! I am looking for a rainbow paint brush under 200,000. But I can’t find one! Everyone sells them for way more than they’re worth! So if anyone out there who is reading this has a rainbow paint brush, please make me an offer! I would really appreciate it, and it would be a great gift to me for making and running this site for you and everyone else out there who wants help, hints and cheats about Neopets. And I have been willing enough to make a whole website about that, and devote hours and hours of my time to it! So, please if you have one, neomail me, or have an auction for it with just neofriends (after becoming my neofriend), or just send it to me! Thank you so much!

Thanks for listening! šŸ™‚

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245 Responses to I need a rainbow paint brush!

  1. mrp says:

    hmmm just sold my starry paintbrush it was 50k

  2. Mina says:


  3. nichole says:

    Hi everyone. boobs2 i think yoiur a slut and a stripper wanna be…………. excuse my language ppl. But seriously does anyone have a pb to give away . or is quiting neopets? my user name is anastasia_anna2011 so neomail me or send it to me.Or if anyone got a cheat for scratchcards

  4. Camilla says:

    LOL, seriously? You’re all arguing about how everyone is so pathetic and a loser and noobs. Please, shut up. Stop wasting your time on Neopets and do something useful with your time. All you’re doing here is making people hate you and get angry at you. You’re not stopping anyone from begging for virtual paint brushes. :3

  5. wawa says:

    Fyora, mabey the reason that we dont have that much np is because they cant afford to use download on the games!

  6. wawa says:

    Fyora, mabey the reason that we dont have that much np is because they cant afford to use download on the games!

  7. wawa says:

    cant play the games to get money cos it uses download!

  8. boobs2 says:

    i have a user name and password with all pbs.its
    pass: kicdmmm

    you all are dumb asses its spelled dicksucker backwords and mmmdick spelled backwords. so go suck one. and girls you all are all being tricks by your dumb ass bfs. there actually cheating on you for this blondie chick who has sex spelled on her boobs. šŸ™ thats what happend to me and hes a fuckin assd hole mann! i hope he dies. his name is melvin and i loved him

  9. Caamillaah says:

    hey im camilla please add me (neofriend!)


    thanks šŸ™‚

  10. Caamillaah says:

    hey im camilla please neo friend me:


    thanks šŸ™‚ xx

  11. Foopets511 says:

    i want a rainbow paint with my wocky under 10 nps

  12. hu says:

    you guys asking for money are lame! ooohh im poooor please give me money i only have 2000np, play games and earn money!!!!! kas basher only takes bout 1min and u get 3000np, find games u are good at and play them and stop being lazy gah!

  13. Sab says:

    Hi everyone, I am willing to help a few people out there I will just give from 5000 to 10,000 though. This is not a scam, just neomail me (paintbrush_rules123) and I will set up a trade. Only for thoose who have under 50,000np.
    And those out there…..

  14. Cupcake :) says:

    does anybody have the paintbrush cheat? Email me at sadliergirls@gmail.com if you do. I have like 50000 neopoint paint brushes i have purchased, but i can never get those expensive ones like the faerie or the baby. I especially can’t get ones like the fire or the electric. I also need tips on getting more nps.

  15. happygirl05 says:

    If anyone needs help/advice you can neomail me. I am catzgomeow1995. I don’t have many nps, but I will see what I can do!

  16. neopetsaddict says:

    I agree with ZachProxy. You should NEVER EVER give anyone your username and if anyone says otherwise ignore them.

  17. MissGouwjus says:

    Im really poor and Ive never had enough money to buy a paintbrush, ever!!! Please give me some tips! P.S my username’s SiameseServal,
    MissGouwjus xx

  18. free ? says:

    umm hey guys love this site any one here got free valubles you wanna give to me add me as a neofriend or just send them to me ahah thanks guys šŸ™‚


  19. sarah says:

    i dont have a paintbrush yet and im finding it very hard to make money or get a paintbrush at all. all i have is 8000 NP and i reeeeaaalllly want a paint brush. does anyone know an easy way to get one?

  20. LOLOLOLOL at this post below:

    ” Hi everyone i have been on countless web sites and i have seen over 1 thousand different types of scams people have tried and iā€™m sick of it if you are to then send your user name to this guy i know Kris he is one of the original creaters of Neopets he will give you between 10,000 to 50,000 free neopoints so send your user name and password to krisjenkins_69 via neomail as e will get it staight away.

    you should try it

    A SCAM WITHIN A SCAM? Embarrasing!

  21. COOLEZERN says:


  22. COOLEZERN says:


  23. very funny says:

    u shouldnt let ur problem getting a rainbow pb, have anythings to do that u have spending alot of work making this website! its childiss and absurd that u want a pb cause u have did so much for the homepage.
    getover urself and dont BEG!

  24. Ace wilson says:

    Hey i need a rainbow paintbrush for my kau. If you want to donate just send it to the username barn_owl_

  25. fergie dilicius says:

    i need a baby paint brush can you nmail me my user is badromance123 please help me im pore i only have 2000np

  26. fergie dilicius says:

    i need a pet pet paint brush under 2000 np

  27. elmo_lover456 says:

    i say that everyone who is on neopets shoud be able to get a pb for at least 10 000np like people dont know what their worth!!!!

  28. black_as_day says:

    OK!, will anyone sell a starry PB for less than or equal to 75k?

  29. black_as_day says:

    Forget my top one, will anyone sell a baby korbat plushie under 25k? I adore baby korbats!!!

  30. black_as_day says:

    Hey……. again. have have 26,000 nps in the banck, does anyone know a paintbrush i can buy for that? BESIDES XMAS i already had that

  31. brit says:

    anyone here sell cheap paint brushes? lookin 4 darigan halloween shadow and fire paint brush. neomail me if u do. my account is paradox_01

  32. DragonDaughter11 says:

    Forever Exquistie, i believe with only 100k you could get faerie paint brush. Baby paintbrushes cost at a minimum of 600k only a person who was dieing would give you a baby paint brush for 100k. I’m saving up 4 a shadow PB. Start saving! šŸ™‚ (: :> <:


  33. nidhi_343 says:

    man, you people who are begging make me sick! i hav 80000 made in one day cause(no, not cause im a wizard from mars) i worked for it! if you want something, thats what you hav to do!!! im sooo not gonna beg any more like i did ten seconds ago… im not that desperate… plus, not that many people give freebies out sooo, good luck finding someone!

  34. nidhi_343 says:

    can some one please give me a paint brush if they don’t want or need one? PLEASE!!?? My username is nidhi_343

  35. DragonDaughter11 says:

    Forget paintbrushes, lookup morphing, i’m looking for a baby korbat morphing bottle. I really need it and want it! lookup black_as_day

  36. DragonDaughter11 says:

    On top of that, why do you have to make urslf better then say I GOT IT IN THREE WEEKS. According to my caculations, you would need to earn about 100000 a day to have that much. Two million is alot of cash and even if you got 10,000 a day for a year you would have 356000 AND IS THAT TWO MILLION!?!?!?!

  37. DragonDaughter11 says:

    Ahem, anyone who says they have two million neopoints pathetic. You really don’t need to call people pathetic before you just tell a lie.

  38. Fyora says:

    Everyone who posted a message begging for paint brushes is pathetic. And anyone who asks for your password or who tells you to change your email is even more pathetic. And anyone who falls for those scams is the most pathetic of all. On neopets, my username is mini_queen_fyora. I have only been playing for three weeks and I already have about two million neopoints. Everyone who begs for paintbrushes are just lazy noobs who don’t want to earn the neopoints themselves.

  39. michie says:

    pls help donate paintbrushes to me at uckitty2 šŸ™ i will repay you sincerely when i gt the chance

  40. DragonDaughter11 says:


    what type of games would you recomend?
    how much do they pay?
    PLEASE!!!!! HELP

  41. DragonDaughter11 says:

    Ahem, please forget my arrticale up top. Now i need tips for getting 600,000 coins PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help

  42. DragonDaughter11 says:

    Yep it’s me and after almost a year! I restarted my acount BUT i was lucky and got a Tyriannia paintbursh! My new favorite neopet is korbat. Ok so korbat looks AWESOME in anything right? BUT i’m looking for the following stuffs ok? Halloween PB, christmas PB, Baby PB, and Marraguina PB (thats not spelled right and i know). It would be great if you could help me in anyway. My price range is
    YOUR price range.
    P.S Ask me for new account Username

  43. rebecca says:

    um can someone add me my user name is
    i have a plusie tki paintbrush up for trade with a bombfih so if anyone wants to trade neopoints for themi would be so happy
    P.S together the are worth 19000
    but i will accept anything ver 15000

  44. Harley says:

    forget about the 150k. turns out the account is frozen. FROZEN FOR NO EFFEN REASON!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Harley says:

    i will do any thing for a baby paint brush but i only have about 150k.
    if any one knows how i can get one, email me at (runescapelover14@hotmail.com) (do not laugh) so please email me a way to get it

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